The classic Bread and Butter Pudding with a Christmas (or luxurious) twist. Serve with cream or warm custard. It's a real crowd pleaser!
- 175g (6 oz). Unsalted Butter (Melted)
- 12 slices White bread (Crusts Removed)
- 300ml (10 oz.) Milk
- 300ml (10 oz.) Cream
- 1 tsp. Vanilla Extract
- 6 eggs
- 100g (3 oz.). Caster Sugar
- 100g (3 oz.). Sultanas
- 100g (3 oz.) Chopped Mixed Peel
- 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
- 60g (2 oz.) Slivered Almonds
- Small glass Irish Whiskey (Optional)
- Small Glass Baileys (Optional)
You will need an ovenproof dish with a capacity for 1 litre (2 pints)
Pre heat the oven to Gas 1, 140C, 275F.
Soak the Sultanas in the whiskey for a few hours for a little extra Christmas cheer.
Paint the inside of the dish with a little of the butter.
Whisk the eggs, the sugar and the vanilla together and then beat in the milk and the cream (and the Baileys if you are using it).
Dip the bread in the butter (or paint it on with a paint brush) and line the bottom of the dish with this.
Sprinkle over some of the sultanas, and the cinnamon and pour in some of the egg mixture to cover. Repeat with another layer of bread dipped in butter, sultanas, cinnamon, and egg mixture. Repeat until all the ingredients are used up
Finish with a layer of the buttered bread. Sprinkle over the slivered almonds and bake for 1 hour.
If having this for Christmas you could bake it in advance and just reheat it to warm before eating.