Cauliflower, Courgette and Goat’s Cheese Pizza by Domini and Peaches Kemp

Domini and Peaches Kemp Theatre of Food at the Electric Picnic 2015

This dish has been created by Domini and Peaches Kemp for the Theatre of Food at the Electric Picnic 2015 with ingredients from Ardkeen Quality Food Store. It is ideal for people who don't eat bread and who would still like to enjoy pizza! Enjoy!


Serves 4-6 | 40 mins prep


    • 1 head of cauliflower
    • Approx. 200 g soft goat’s cheese, at room temperture
    • 1 egg
    • 1 tsp. dried thyme
    • 1 tsp. dried thyme
    • 4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed
    • 1 onion, peeled and diced
    • 1 red pepper, cored and roughly chopped
    • Pinch chilli flakes
    • 1 tin tomatoes
    • 1-2 tsp. dried oregano
    • 2 bay leaves
    • Pinch smoked sweet paprika or cayenne pepper
    • Salt and pepper
    • ​1 courgette
    • Olive oil
    • Black pepper
    • Approx. 100 g of your favorite goat’s cheese


    To make the base, remove the green stalks (these are good when you’re roasting cauliflower, but don’t work here!) and cut or break the florets into small pieces. Blend in a food processor on pulse mode until you make white ‘breadcrumbs’ that look a little damp. Don’t over-process, but do make sure it’s fully ground up.

    Then in a large bowl, mix with the goat’s cheese, thyme and egg. It’s almost like beating sugar and butter together with no electric beater. You can do it just with a spatula and it’s easier if the cheese is soft and at room temperature. Eventually you will feel that everything is reasonably well distributed.

    Get a baking tray or brownie tin and generously line with parchment paper. Then spread the ‘dough’ onto the paper and pat down with a spatula. Put another sheet of parchment over it and smooth out the cauliflower with your flat hands so that it spreads out to about 1/2 inch thick. It’s almost like pushing play-dough or similar into the corners. You can chill and set aside or even overnight while the sauce is cooking away.

    When you are ready, cook the ‘base’ on its own for about 20 minutes at 200°C. It will start to look a little pale but golden on top. Lift up the paper to check the underneath is OK. The edges may char a bit, but this is fine. Set aside to cool down.

    Heat up the olive oil and sweat the garlic, onion and red pepper. Do this for a few minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer over gentle heat for about 20 minutes. Then remove the bay leaf.

    When it has cooled down, blitz until smooth in a blender. This will make too much sauce, but it can be frozen in batches so you have some ready to go next time you want a homemade pizza sauce that’s a bit fruitier than normal.

    Cut the courgette on a mandolin or very finely with a knife. Toss with a little olive oil and salt and pepper.

    When you are ready to do the final 10 minutes of cooking, spread a few tablespoons of sauce onto the pizza base, then top with slivers of courgette and scatter some goat’s cheese on top.

    Bake for another ten minutes until the cheese is just starting to melt. Allow to cool and settle and serve. Just as good cold, if not better!

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