It has taken us a while to research suppliers and obtain a reliable supply but we are really excited to finally have Organic Raw Milk in store, and it seems our customers are just as excited with our first delivery selling out within hours!
Raw milk is milk that is unpasteurised and unhomogenised, or in simpler terms it is an unprocessed milk. Unlike pasteurised milk, raw milk contains all of its natural enzymes, fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. It is also a rich source of naturally occurring good bacteria, helping to maintain gut health. Because it is unpasteurised and unhomogenised you will find the glorious cream sitting on top of the milk in each bottle giving a delicious full flavour to the milk
Supplied to us by Michael Keating of the Natural Milk Company based in Galway, Michael sources milk from dairy farmers that are licensed organic producers and registered raw milk producers with the Department of Agriculture, fully compliant with all raw milk regulations in Ireland.
The milk is delivered to us in 1 litre glass bottles weekly on Wednesday evenings and we are happy to take washed empties back and return to Michael, supporting the sustainability of recycle and reuse .