Its May, suns out and Indie Beer Week is just around the corner. Yeah!
A celebration of independent Irish brewing in the four corners of Ireland, Indie Beer Week has been running for a number of years and is just the event to remind us all of the vibrant, innovative and indeed economically valuable sector that craft brewing is in Ireland today… like we needed an excuse!
Running Thur 23rd to Sun 26th May, this is a great opportunity to connect with what’s new and what’s happening at craft breweries and Independent Off Licences’ all over Ireland.
Here at Ardkeen Quality Food Store we love our craft beer and always have something crafty going on. We love the passion, the creativity and the independence that makes this industry so dynamic but most of all we like the taste. No longer satisfied with generic, bulk production beer, we want the small batch, hand crafted experience. That’s what you get with Craft and Irish Craft is up there with the best.
Ardkeen Quality Food Store has built up strong working relationships with our brewers and suppliers to ensure that we carry core ranges from some of the best breweries in Ireland with locals Matalman Brewing and Dungarvan Brewing, from the west Kinnegar Brewing and The White Hag, beasts from the east Wicklow Wolf and Drew Fox Brewing’s Cleverman, not to forget the provenance kings Ballykilcavan and 12 Acres Brewing in Laois. We will also have the new range of cans from Hope Beer Dublin and all at the keenest prices. These relationships also ensure that we have all the latest new release, seasonal, limited edition and of course the always in demand collaboration beers the moment they are available.
To ensure these beers are kept in optimum conditions we have invested in a brand spanking new beer fridge which now makes craft browsing a dream. Friday afternoon we call in the brewers for producer tasting which are always fun and a great chance to connect first-hand with the stories behind the beer, the brewery and the passion that is an essential ingredient in this sector, and you thought it was just all about hops! If and when the brewers are all off doing hipster stuff we crack open a few beers ourselves on Friday afternoon so when we call it Craft Friday, we mean it.
Recent to the hazy summer evenings here at Ardkeen QFS we have the lads DJ Walsh and Eoin Tabb from the Snugcast Podcasts. Recording weekly podcasts from a snug near you these lads are gathering quite a following online with beer and eclectic chat. Never ones to rest, they are now recording a monthly Snugcast video at Ardkeen Off Licence where they look at a few beers that caught their eye each month with the Ardkeen Pick being one that caught ours.
For the week that’s in it we are keeping the tasting table out and will be opening a few beers each afternoon so make sure you pop in to taste some great Irish beers. The old favourites and new will be getting a pour so lots of interesting styles and of course chat.
Thursday from 3 – 6: Low or No with Julie
A look at one of the biggest trends in beer at the moment. Low or no alcohol.
Friday 3 – 6: Beers with Steve. IPA deconstructed
Saturday 2 – 4: Beer, Banter, Craft, Caint
Join bi lingual Snugcast lads DJ Walsh and Eoin Tabb for what they do best.
Looking at beer north, south, east and west. Literally.
There are tons of other great events happening locally and nationally so check out http://indiebeerweek.ie/ for the full list of events and follow them on Twitter @ÍndieirishBeer
We will be posting on all our Social Media platforms so keep an eye on Twitter @ArdkeenQFS Instagram @ardkeenqualityfoodstore and Facebook at Ardkeen Quality Food Store.
So let’s be havin’ ya for some for some good libations, vibrations and good old celebrations.